Provider Promotion Validity

Click here

Now with an ADSL Go contract

1. FREE activation (value €24,54)
2. First 3 months FREE € 0 (normal € 105)

Residential users

signup before
nov 15th 2003.

Sun Telecom

click here

Sign-up and get 5 hours of free calls,
to fixed numbers (off-peak)


Advise your friends/family about Sun Telecom and get 1h of free national calls (off-peak)

Residential users

signup between
oct. 27 th & nov. 30th 2003

With CPS and
bank debit 

Sun Telecom

click here

National calls
0.027 €/min
low setup of 0.022 €

International calls
Holland,France,Germany & UK = 0.034 €/min
low setup of 0.015 €

Business users

signup between
oct. 27 th & nov. 30th 2003

With CPS and
bank debit 

United telecom

click here

Sign-up and get 3h of free calls
national numbers (Belgacom)

free calls are valid untill december 01 2003

sign-up before
oct 31st.