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The Belgian Institute for Postal services and Telecommunications

Established by the Act of 21 March 1991, BIPT is the regulatory body of the postal and telecommunications sector in Belgium. The Institute started its activities in 1993 and these have become increasingly important as the market has opened up to competition.

The Institute is responsible for strategic, regulatory and operational tasks, tasks regarding the settlement of disputes between operators and regulation of the whole sector. The settlement of disputes between the operators and their clientele is not part of those tasks. Only the mediation service is considered competent to solve those problems.

BIPT is a type A semi-governmental body (Article 1(1), A, of the 16 March 1954 Act on the supervision of certain public-interest bodies). The Institute is represented and managed by the Minister with competence for telecommunications affairs. The Act lays down that the Minister performs all administrative acts, whereas day-to-day management is exercised by the senior civil servant to whom the Minister has delegated his powers.

In 1995 BIPT’s departments were brought together in the Brussels Astro Tower. The Institute also has five control centres in Anderlecht, Antwerp, Ghent, Liège and Seneffe.

All correspondence to BIPT must be addressed to General Administrator Eric Van Heesvelde.

Go to the BIPT website